A masterclass in Political Economy.

People want answer, fast. How to solve poverty problem? The answer is Synechi. How to reduce price? Deregulation. How to control inflation? Limit money supply. How to preserve forest? Private ownership. How to solve unemployment problem? Foreign investment and eliminate minimum wage.

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This online course is the easiest way to learn political economy. (And trash all non- essential one)

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Lectures Video

28 helpful lecture videos with HD quality.

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Audio-based lectures, listen and learn anytime, anywhere, while doing anything else! 

Scientific Articles

Downloads tons of scientific articles (PDF format) for free (coding and excel file included). 

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The Examples of The Course Video

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How to Solve Property

The key to a prosperous country is reducing its poverty rate. Learn from 37 exceptional global leaders who successfully alleviated poverty in the last one and a half century.

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How to Increase General Welfare

How do you ensure general welfare in a nation? How do you provide affordable goods and services while making sure your people are getting paid properly? Gain insights from Japan and North American countries on how to maintain a sustainable economic growth.

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How to Tackle Unemployment Problem

Learn about the labor laws implemented by 19 OECD countries and their impacts on the unemployment issue. Unfold the secret recipe to solve unemployment challenges and increase job opportunities.

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How to Provide A Better Life

Providing a better life for your people by reducing the crime rates, as well as tackling the environmental crisis. Improving the quality of a nation through sustainable environmental practices, energy solutions, infrastructure development, crime reduction, and anti-corruption strategies.

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Practical Guidance

A practical, comprehensive guide to implement an ethical and effective governance. Learn the meaning of public policy, understand the cost-benefit analysis, and utilize various essential decision-making tools for a modern leadership.


The structure of learning in this masterclass:

How to solve poverty problem. How to transform a country from poverty to wealth.

Lecture 1.1 Out of Poverty (28 minutes)
How China lifted nearly one billion people out of poverty in just under forty years: Detailed explanation of year-by-year policies

Lecture 1.2 The Good, Bad and Ugly Economic System (84 minutes)
How to test the success and failure of political and economic systems: Learning from natural experiments involving more than one hundred and five million people in West Germany-East Germany, South-North Korea, and Botswana-Zimbabwe. You will also learn about a cool statistical technique called Randomized Controlled Trial, with a simple code in the R programming language.

Lecture 1.3 Successful Leader (17 minutes)
You will learn about the 37 leaders who successfully transformed their countries from poverty to wealth in the last one hundred fifty years and the common strategies they employed. Discover the valuable lessons you can glean from these remarkable leaders.

Lecture 1.4 Private Sector Role (4 minutes)
You will learn how the private sector in Indonesia helped 1.3 million people escape poverty through palm oil plantation. This miracle occurred even in remote areas where many residents are not high school graduates.

Lecture 1.5 Communism Failure (21 minutes)
How communism failed to create prosperity: Learn about the mechanisms of this system that led to unsustainable outcomes. By studying the failures of others, you can avoid repeating those same mistakes .

How to increase general welfare. How to make goods and services cheaper. How to ensure workers receive higher pay.

Lecture 2.1 Cut the Price, Increasing Jobs (6 minutes)
You will learn how to simultaneously reduce prices and increase job opportunities in an industry by studying the successful policy of The Airline Deregulation Act in America. This landmark but often overlooked law, enacted in 1978, had significant beneficial effects on American consumers for decades

Lecture 2.2 Industrial Policy (21 minutes)
You will learn how the Japanese government grew their industry and conquered the world with minimal intervention. Explore the Japanese experience, analyzing both their successes and failures over three decades. Compare the thriving electronic industry with the declining shipbuilding sector to glean valuable insights

Lecture 2.3 Taming Inflation (3 minutes)
How to tame inflation: Learning from the mistakes of the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe, and strategies to prevent similar errors.

Lecture 2.4 Healthcare Subsidies (2 minutes)
How to Analyze Healthcare Subsidies: Lessons from an Eight-Year Experiment involving Four Thousand Random People in the US.

Lecture 2.5 Globalization (28 minutes)
How to Create Seventy Thousand Jobs That Last for Decades: Insights from an Important Policy on Globalization in the Philippines, an Emerging Country in Southeast Asia

Lecture 2.6 Taxation and Economic Growth (2 minutes)
How the experience from four advanced countries (The United States, The United Kingdom, France and Sweden) debunk myth about high tax. High tax does not cause economic growth.

How to solve unemployment problem

Lecture 3.1 Great Exodus (15 minutes)
The Great Exodus: Exploring the Effects of Migration of 70 Million People Over 40 Years on Employment, Wages, and the Wealth of Ordinary Farmers in the US. This Exploration Will Change Your Perspective on Urbanization and Industrialization.

Lecture 3.2 Rigidity of Labor Law (2 minutes)
What the Data Reveals About Labor Laws in 19 OECD Countries and Their Impact on Employment. Easier Hiring and Firing of Employees Have Done a Good Job for the Economy as a Whole

Lecture 3.3 The Minimum Wage (26 minutes)
What 44 Research Studies Show About Minimum Wage Laws from Around the World. Their Combined Samples Encompass More Than Hundreds of Thousands of Workers.

Lecture 3.4 The Economists Unite! (8 minutes)
A regular survey of more than one thousand economists shows that they share one common preference: they prefer free markets over anything else

How to provide better life for your people

Lecture 4.1 Saving Environment (8 minutes)
How to Save Forests, Elephants, and Clean Air: Learning from One of the Most Sustainable Forest Countries in the World, the Largest Elephant Survey Ever Undertaken, and Hundreds of Weather Stations in the USA.

Lecture 4.2 The Great Energy (7 minutes)
The Safest, Cleanest, and Most Affordable Source of Energy and How to Maintain It

Lecture 4.3 Public Infrastructure (9 minutes)
How to build and maintain good roads and bridges without adding more inspectors and auditors.

Lecture 4.4 Combating Crime (5 minutes)
A delicate research spent 7500 hours show how special police placement strategy can reduce crime.

Lecture 4.5 Combating Corruption (7 minutes)
Lessons from a comprehensive survey of 54,000 people from around the world on how to combat corruption

Practical Guide for You to Run A Government and Country (A Non-Machiavellian way)

Lecture 5.1
The Meaning of Public Policy (3 minutes)
Don’t confuse with complex definition. Public policy at heart is very simple. It is “whatever governments choose to do or not to do.”

Lecture 5.2
Comprehensive Cost and Benefit Analysis (12 minutes)
A rational approach to policy evaluation tries to calculate the net between all the costs and benefits, in both resent and future, for targeted group and also non targeted group. You will learn this important tool by analyzing sugar import policy in the US.

Lecture 5.3
Advocatus Diaboli (7 minutes)
Playing advocatus diaboli or ‘the devil’s advocate’ entails adopting a contrary perspective or posing objections to a claim purely for the sake of discourse. It’s not necessary to personally endorse the viewpoints or objections presented; rather, the aim is to stimulate discussion and elucidate issues by presenting differing viewpoints.

Lecture 5.4
Difference-in-Difference. (6 minutes)
Among four designs to evaluate public policy or program, difference-in-difference is the best. It compares between control and experimental group, before and after policy or program implementation.

Lecture 5.5
Long Division (6 minutes)
In every policy analysis, choose your output correctly. For example, in the case of vaccinations, the goal is not to deliver as many vaccines as possible, but to prevent death and severe illness due to the infectious disease. This careful definition output will have huge impact in your work.

Lecture 5.6
Bayesian Updating (2 minutes)
Good leader must think realistically. The key element of realistic thinking is the willingness to update your probabilities, and doing so appropriately in response to new information. When fact change, change your opinion. Dogma and fanatics are for fool.

Lecture 5.7
Pritchett Acid Test (9 minutes)
Despite various program has “successful impact”, Lant Pritchett raised important issue. He asked, “Is your impact evaluation asking question that matter?” Yes, maybe your program is impactful, but is it really matter? Is this really the one which cause a nation prosper?

Lecture 5.8
Practical Guidance to Run A Government and A Country (17 minutes)
Genius things often simple. In public policy. maximize freedom, minimize coercion. Taxpayer’s money is spent unwisely because it is nobody’s money. Use seven universal moral values to judge which one is sound or terrible policy.


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Chandra Natadipurba

Chandra will facilitate your journey of learning public policy from the wisdom of world-class leaders: Lee Kuan Yew, Ronald Reagan, and Margaret Thatcher.

He will guide you through lectures from those three great leaders and provide careful explanations along with rigorous supporting evidence to demonstrate why their wisdom is true.

Chandra is Indonesian. A political strategist and economist by trade. He worked in private sector for several years (banking) and enter political world after that.

He graduated from Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung as valedictorian. Universitas Padjadjaran is among the oldest university in the country, a university where 5th President of Republic Indonesia, 4th Vice President and 12th central bank governor have went to.

He advised a political party to win additional 3 million voters in the 2019 national general election. In 3 previous elections, this party was stuck with around 8 million voters (8.3 million in 2004, 8.2 million in 2009, and 8.4 million in 2014). He crafted and delivered a resonance message to the hundred million minds and hearts and won 11 million voters—a remarkable record for the election and a historic milestone for this underdog political party. He used extensive data to understand voters’ behavior and then composed an evidence-based campaign.

Also an avid reader, he does mountaineering in his spare time.

You will get a solid knowledge on public policy, enhance your problem-solving skills, and understand how to handle the dynamics of public issues and governance in general. It’s now or never, click the button and join this course right now!

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