Your ultimate experience in learning.

View. Listen. Read. Do.

This learning contains four parts:

In the first part, you can watch the video of all 28 lectures. In the second part, you can listen all lectures. The aim of this audio-only is enabling you learning while you're commuting, doing chores or jogging. The third part is reading the main sources quoted in the lectures. The fourth part is doing some exercise and practicing coding skills via R studio and Excel.



This video will summarize 6 hours learning into 13 minutes key take away.

13:21 minutes

What you learn

You will learn two things: knowledge and tools.

03:07 minutes


How to solve poverty problem. How to transform a country from poverty to wealth.

PM Lee Kuan Yew Remark's on Free Market System

PM Lee explain why you need free market

03:57 minutes

Lecture 1.1
Out of Poverty

The concept of Synechi as way to solve poverty problem

18:07 minutes

PM Lee Kuan Yew Remark's on China

Mr. Lee address how China choose free market

04:24 minutes

Bonus: How China get out of poverty

Detailed explanation of year-by-year policies by China's government from 1978 to date

12:56 minutes

Bonus: Randomized Controlled Trials

This powerful method will teach you how to gain causality, not only correlation.

07:37 minutes

Lecture 1.2
Natural experiments

How to test what political and economic system that success and fail (Learn from natural experiments involving more than one hundred and five million Caucasian, Asian and African people)

12:01 minutes

Bonus: Statistical Result and Explanation

How to use interpret statistical result from economic data

20:28 minutes

Bonus: Explanation The Wealth and Poverty of Two Continents

How Western Europe and Eastern Europe is so different in economic status.

32:22 minutes

Lecture 1.3 Succesful Leaders

Who are 37 leaders that successfully transformed their country from poor to wealth in the last one hundred fifty years and what they've done in common. What can you learn from those great leaders.

17:20 minutes

Lee Kuan Yew on Escaping The Wrong Model and The Role Private Sector

PM Lee explained what Singapore strategy to develop their nation

05:52 minutes

Lecture 1.4
The Role of Private Sector

How private sector made 1.3 million people escape poverty, even they live in the middle of nowhere and most of them are even not graduate from high school

04:22 minutes

Lee Kuan Yew on Private Investment and Failure of Many System to Create Prosperity

PM Lee explained why market need democracy and why sometimes not.

02:10 minutes

Lecture 1.5
Failed Recipe

What is failed recipe to make a country prosper (learn from other fails, so you don't repeat those failures)

21:28 minutes

Bonus: The mechanism why Synechi causes prosperity

How China lifted nearly one billion people out of poverty in just under forty years: Detailed explanation of year-by-year policies

07:05 minutes


How to increase general welfare. How to make goods and services cheaper. How to ensure workers receive higher pay.

Margaret Thatcher on Two Kinds of Society

The difference between free society and statist society

01:58 minutes

Lecture 2.1
Airline Deregulation

How to cut price and increasing jobs opportunity at the same time in an industry (learn from monumental but little known law in North America)

07:01 minutes

Lecture 2.2.
Free Trade and Japan Industrial Policy

How to grow industry and conquer the world with almost doing nothing (learn from Japanese experience and the waste and success they made for thirty years)

19:37 minutes

Ronald Reagan on Inflation

President Reagan explained the cause of inflation with simple plain English

02:09 minutes

Lecture 2.3
Taming Inflation

How to tame inflation (what Weimar Republic and unknown country in Africa doing same thing)

06:08 minutes

Lecture 2.4
Health care subsidize

How to analyze healthcare subsidize (learn from eight years experiment from almost four thousand random people in the US)

02:34 minutes

Margaret Thatcher on Protectionism

Thatcher argument why leaders should reduce protectionism

01:19 minutes

Lecture 2.5
Foreign Investment

How to create sustainable seventy thousand jobs (learn from country in South East Asia)

27:31 minutes

Lecture 2.6
Higher Tax Did Not Cause Growth

How four advanced countries experience debunk myth about high tax

03:00 minutes


How to solve unemployment problem

Ronald Reagan on Deregulation and Minimalist Government

President Reagan laid out plan how to tackle the problem of inflation and budget deficit

01:36 minutes

Lecture 3.1

The Great Exodus: Exploring the Effects of Migration of 70 Million People Over 40 Years on Employment, Wages, and the Wealth of Ordinary Farmers in the US. This Exploration Will Change Your Perspective on Urbanization and Industrialization.

16:24 minutes

Lecture 3.2.
Rigidity of Labor Law

What the Data Reveals About Labor Laws in 19 OECD Countries and Their Impact on Employment. Easier Hiring and Firing of Employees Have Done a Good Job for the Economy as a Whole

01:56 minutes

Lecture 3.3.
The Minimum Wage

What 44 Research Studies Show About Minimum Wage Laws from Around the World. Their Combined Samples Encompass More Than Hundreds of Thousands of Workers.

26:27 minutes

The Economists Unite!

A regular survey of more than one thousand economists shows that they share one common preference: they prefer free markets over anything else

09:00 minutes


How to provide better life for your people

Lecture 4.1
Saving Environment

How to save forest, elephant and air (Learn from one of the most sustainable forest country in the world, largest elephant survey undertaken ever and hundred of weather stations in USA)

08:46 minutes

Lecture 4.2
The Great Energy

The Safest, Cleanest, and Most Affordable Source of Energy and How to Maintain It

07:27 minutes

Lecture 4.3
Public Infrastructure

How to build and maintain good roads and bridges without adding more inspectors and auditors.

09:17 minutes

Lecture 4.4
Combating Crime

A delicate research spent 7500 hours show how special police placement strategy can reduce crime.

05:23 minutes

Lecture 4.5
Combating Corruption

Lessons from a comprehensive survey of 54,000 people from around the world on how to combat corruption

07:09 minutes


Practical Guide for You to Run A Government and Country (A Non-Machiavellian way)

Lecture 5.1
The Meaning of Public Policy

Don't confuse with complex definition. Public policy at heart is very simple. It is "whatever governments choose to do or not to do."

04:25 minutes

Lecture 5.2
Comprehensive Cost and Benefit Analysis

A rational approach to policy evaluation tries to calculate the net between all the costs and benefits, in both resent and future, for targeted group and also non targeted group. You will learn this important tool by analyzing sugar import policy in the US.

12:49 minutes

Lecture 5.3
Advocatus Diaboli

Playing advocatus diaboli or ‘the devil’s advocate’ entails adopting a contrary perspective or posing objections to a claim purely for the sake of discourse. It's not necessary to personally endorse the viewpoints or objections presented; rather, the aim is to stimulate discussion and elucidate issues by presenting differing viewpoints.

08:03 minutes

Lecture 5.4

Among four designs to evaluate public policy or program, difference-in-difference is the best. It compares between control and experimental group, before and after policy or program implementation.

06:56 minutes

Lecture 5.5
Long Division

In every policy analysis, choose your output correctly. For example, in the case of vaccinations, the goal is not to deliver as many vaccines as possible, but to prevent death and severe illness due to the infectious disease. This careful definition output will have huge impact in your work.

05:53 minutes

Lecture 5.6
Bayesian Updating

Good leader must think realistically. The key element of realistic thinking is the willingness to update your probabilities, and doing so appropriately in response to new information. When fact change, change your opinion. Dogma and fanatics are for fool.

02:32 minutes

Lecture 5.7
Pritchett Acid Test

Despite various program has "successful impact", Lant Pritchett raised important issue. He asked, "Is your impact evaluation asking question that matter?" Yes, maybe your program is impactful, but is it really matter? Is this really the one which cause a nation prosper?

10:00 minutes

Lecture 5.8
Practical Guidance to Run A Government and A Country

Genius things often simple. In public policy. maximize freedom, minimize coercion. Taxpayer's money is spent unwisely because it is nobody's money. Use seven universal moral values to judge which one is sound or terrible policy.

17:14 minutes



This audio will summarize 6 hours learning into 16 minutes key take away.

16:20 minutes

What You Learn

This audio will explain what you learn in short.

03:03 minutes

How to Solve Poverty Problem

This audio is all lectures in topic How to Solve Poverty Problem.

158:27 minutes

How to Increase General Welfare

This audio is all lectures in topic How to Increase General Welfare.

65:28 minutes

How to Solve Unemployment Problem

This audio is all lectures in topic How to Solve Unemployment Problem.

43:47 minutes

How to Provide Better Life for Your People

This audio is all lectures in topic How to Provide Better Life for Your People.

37:32 minutes

Guide to Policymaker

This audio is all lectures in topic Guide to Policymaker.

67:04 minutes

This audio is all lectures in topic Guide to Policymaker.

67:04 minutes


Module 1

Selected Reading Files for Module 1 (1093 pages, 13 articles)

Lecture 1

Transition to Market Economies in Asia

40 years of China’s reform and development

Lecture 2

Monetary Intervention Mitigated Banking Panics during the Great Depression

Lecture 3

Do the leaders matter?

Lecture 4

Tropical Oil Crops and Rural Poverty.

Lecture 5

Does economic growth affect urbanization?

Where has all the education gone?

Economic freedom and foreign direct investment

Foreign Direct Investment and Wages in Indonesian Manufacturing

Globalisation and OECD consumer price inflation

The Use of Knowledge in Society

Microeconomic Systems as an Experimental Science

Module 2

Selected Reading Files for Module 2 (124 pages, 7 articles)

Lecture 1

Competition and regulation in the airline industry

Lecture 2

Realism and Free-Trade Policy

Japanese Economic Success: Industrial Policy or Free Market?

Lecture 3

Some monetary facts

Lecture 4

Does Free Care Improve Adults' Health? Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Lecture 5

The impact of export processing zones on employment, wages and labour conditions in developing countries: systematic review

Export Processing Zone in the Philippines: A Review of Employment, Working Conditions and Labour Relations

Module 3

Selected Reading Files for Module 3 (225 pages, 6 articles)

Lecture 1

The Impact of Urbanization on Agricultural Processes

Lecture 3

Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania: Comment

Lecture 4

Consensus and Dissension among Economists: An Empirical Inquiry

Is There A Consensus Among Economist in the 1990's?

The Policy Views of the American Economic Association Members: The Results of a New Survey

Consensus Among Economist - An Update

Module 4

Selected Reading Files for Module 4 (229 pages, 6 articles)

Lecture 1

State of Finland´s Forests 2007 Based on the Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management

Continent-wide survey reveals massive decline in African savannah elephants

Lecture 4

Using Terror Alert Levels to Estimate the Effect of Police on Crime

General deterrent effects of police patrol in crime "HOT SPOTS": A randomized, controlled trial

Lecture 5

What Determines Corruption? International Evidence from Micro Data

The joint effect of democracy and economic freedom on corruption

Module 5

Selected Reading Files for Module 5 (24 pages, 1 article)

Is It Good to Cooperate Testing The Theory of Morality-as-Cooperation in 60 Societies


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